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Homehardware-reviewsLogitech Create Is Poised To Become The Best iPad Keyboard

Logitech Create Is Poised To Become The Best iPad Keyboard

One of the first things that new owners of the iPad Pro will realize is that they need a reliable keyboard. Even though I recommend purchasing a wireless keyboard for any iPad model, which means that you can finally handle those long emails and text documents, having a keyboard for the new iPad Pro is simply a must have.

The new iPad Pro has been launched about two months ago, but we are yet to see a large number of different options when it comes to wireless keyboards. I guess that companies waited to see how successful the biggest iOS tablet is going to be, before launching their own takes on the perfect large-sized wireless keyboard.

Logitech Create scr1

In this article, we will be looking at Logitech’s wireless keyboard, named Create. This company is known for some very successful keyboards for various iOS devices, so it’s clear that it knows how to create a reliable and nicely designed product. However, the situation is a bit different when it comes to Create. Instead of borrowing the best elements from the company’s prior cases, Logitech Create tries to bring something new into a territory that is still unexplored. Continue reading to learn more about this product.


Logitech Create measures roughly 12.2” by 9” by 0.75”, which means that it’s a bit larger than a 13” Retina MacBook Pro. As can be seen from the images in this article, this is a folio case that is covered in fabric. If we take a look at its insides, we will see a keyboard on the left and an iPad frame on the right. The exterior is made of ballistic nylon, and you can choose from black, red, and purple. Even though using ballistic nylon sounds like a great idea, it doesn’t feel as good in this particular case. Perhaps this is individual, but I prefer a smooth texture on any large sized keyboard case.

Installation and Use

In order to use this keyboard case, you have to push your giant iPad Pro into the C-shaped frame, which is easier said than done. The frame uses physical pressure to clamp your iPad in place, which leaves sharp-edged plastic against the iPad Pro. I had a lot of trouble trying to align the iPad before inserting it into the frame, which seems crucial to do if you want the flush-mounted volume button covers to work.

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This is going to be the problem for those who don’t want to carry around a keyboard case at all times since it can be problematic to pull the tablet out and then return it after into its original position. A better setup method is definitely needed.

Logitech Create can be also used a stand, even though you will need to place it upright in order to use the keyboard. Interestingly enough, it attaches the iPad Pro magnetically to a bar above the typing surface. What this means is that the keyboard is powered by the tablet itself. Thanks to the iPad’s new Smart Connector, Logitech Create doesn’t ship with an internal battery nor does it bring a charging cable.

Logitech has also included the backlighting, which is a huge plus considering the way it uses power. This keyboard case supports two angles, for typing and viewing. The typing recline is supported magnetically and this connection seems strong enough. On the other hand, the steeper angle doesn’t seem as strong and reliable. I believe that it’s important to keyboard cases to support more than one or two viewing angle, especially with the iPad Pro. It is possible to make this tablet look and feel like a laptop, but I guess Logitech is yet to figure this out.

The Keyboard

However, what I really liked is the keyboard itself. The keys use a nice-looking Futura font, and they are so close in feel and functionality that there’s no learning curve at all. This is not the case with most iPad-compatible keyboards. I was able of typing more accurately on Logitech Create than with Apple’s own keyboard. You can still find the top row of iOS-specific keys, where you can set up the keyboard brightness as well. Key travel is slightly greater than on Apple’s Magic Keyboard but also feels slightly less than on its past Wireless Keyboard. However, there is one thing that I didn’t like and that is a somewhat cheap-looking plastic housing on the top side of the keyboard, with a strange-looking plastic wings on both sides.


As I said in an earlier paragraph, Logitech Create comes with a backlit keyboard. You can choose from three brightness levels – off, dimply lit, or brightly lit, and they all work as expected. What I noticed is that a bit of light is escaping from the keys’ edges, but this is not as unusual. This mostly happens around the top and the bottom portion of certain keys.

Logitech Create – The Conclusion

Even though the keyboard is one of the best I tried from this product category, the two main problems are its design and the asking price of $150. This keyboard case is simply too large and heavy, with an odd external texture. Additionally, it brings somewhat complicated installation method.

On top of that, you are required to pay $150, but it is only compatible with a single iPad Pro model – you can’t use it with any other devices or your computer. For the same price, you can buy a brand new 32GB Apple TV, so I guess there’s a better way to spend your money. This is why it is hard for me to give my recommendation for purchasing this product.

Logitech Create scr6

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